WTO Post-Ministerial Workshop for Kenya 13-14 March 2018
The Africa Policy Research Institute (APRI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (MFAIT) organised a post 11th Ministerial Conference (MC11) workshop to review the outcomes of the 11th WTO ministerial conference that was held from the 10th to 13th December 2017 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and further sought to establish the future of the multilateral trading system and opportunities that may arise from the emerging regional trading blocs. This meeting was a follow up from the common position developed during the 11th Pre-Ministerial Conference that was held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Collaboration with Trade Mark East Africa (TMEA) on 14-18 November 2017, in Manzoni, Machakos.
The Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index – 28 February 2017, Waridi Paradise Hotel and Suite, Rose Avenue, Off Argwings Kodhek Road, Nairobi, Kenya Workshop.
The African Policy Research Institute in collaboration with Management Systems International (MSI) held the “CSO Sustainability Index”, whose main objective is to develop a score for Kenya’s CSOs using selected indicators, in order to come up with CSO sustainability index. The CSO Sustainability Index is a tool used to study the strength and overall viability of CSO sectors in a country. The index is a valuable resource for donors, local CSO advocates, development partners, researchers, and academics.
Economic Development in Africa Conference, 19-21 March 2017, Centre for the Studies of African Economies, Oxford University, UK.
The Director of Programmes under the sponsorship of the African Economic Research Consortium presented the research paper “The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Production, Trade and Food Security in Selected East Africa Community (EAC) Countries.” The paper presented sought to establish the link between climate change, agricultural production and trade and food security. The methodology used involved a multi-method approach, where a farm household model, a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Model and a micro- household model. The study found that in the EAC: Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania would become food insecure in the advent of climate change. Rwanda would become more food secure even with climate changes.