The Impact of Climate Change on Trade and Food Security in the East Africa Community
Client- The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis 2017
A CGE analysis was done for four east Africa Community countries: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda in order to establish how climate change would affect production and intra-regional trade, particularly in the staple food maize, and the impact of these changes on food security.
Implications of Sensitive Products Exclusions on Intra-Regional Trade: A Case Study of The East African Community (EAC)
Client: Trade Law Centre- South Africa (TRALAC)- 2016
This study sought to: identify the excluded tariff lines (sensitive list) from the common external tariff (CET) for the EAC on a country-by-country basis and to seek the rationale for the exclusions; track the trade volumes since the customs union protocol entered into force and to analyse the impact of the exclusions on trade and to draw implications of the exclusions on the proposed tripartite free trade area (TFTA) and the continental free trade area (CFTA).
The Agriculture Negotiations at The World Trade Organization: An Update After the Nairobi Ministerial Conference
Client: Trade Law Centre- South Africa (TRALAC)- 2015
This research paper provided a chronological order of the agriculture negotiations from the time the WTO was created, and how agricultural trade negotiations have developed from the 1st Ministerial Conference to the 9th Ministerial Conference held in Nairobi in December 2015. This paper gave an explanation of the agreement on agriculture and how this culminated the Doha Development Agenda and the outcomes of the negotiations in December 2015.
Comparative Analysis Economic Cooperation: United Kingdom, China and Kenya
Client- CUTS International- Nairobi Resource Centre- 2015
The study sought to make comparisons of how both China and the UK engage with Kenya in supporting growth structural transformation and poverty reduction. The study assessed Chinese and UK policies addressing a range of economic development outcomes in Africa- growth, structural transformation and poverty reduction; the impact of trade and investment relations of Kenya with China and the UK and also examined possible synergies between UK and Chinese Policies in Kenya.
Parliamentary Support Work on Trade, Regional Integration and Development
Client – The State University of New York (SUNY)- Kenya- 2014
The African Policy Research Institute provided parliamentary support to the National Assembly of Kenya by developing a training programme on Trade, Regional Integration and Development. This programme was meant to train the regional integration committee of the national assembly of Kenya on the trade agreements Kenya is party to, the key issues and these agreements and the role parliament should paly in ensuring these agreements resulted in development and poverty reduction.
African Continental Free Trade Area
Agreements, Decisions and Declarations
2018 | |
Agreement establishing the AfCFTA Consolidated text signed 21 March 2018 | Download |
Agreement establishing the AfCFTA Consolidated text signed 21 March 2018 - French | Download |
Compiled Annexes to the AfCFTA Agreement signed 16 May 2018 | Download |
2019 | |
12th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly on the AfCFTA Decisions and Declarations - July 2019 | Download |
2020 | |
AU Assembly Decision on the AfCFTA - February 2020 | Download |
Statement of H.E. Mr. Wamkele Mene on the Occasion of Swearing-in as the Sec General of the AfCFTA Secretariat 19 March 2020 | Download |