Book Edit- “County Own Source Revenue Enhancement in Kenya”
Client- International Development Law Organization- 2016
The African Policy Research Institute edited prepared and organized papers presented at the national conference ‘county own source revenue enhancement’ into a book publication. This publication was developed after the conference to help the National Treasury in achieving its objective of assisting County Governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management, hosted a national conference held on 23rd and 24th September 2015 at the Great Rift Valley Lodge that brought together relevant National and County Government institutions to work together to develop consensus that would help them improve their own source revenue collections in order to ease the fiscal difficulties they face fulfilling their budget objectives, as well as ease the heavy reliance on the equitable share of revenue raised nationally. The recommendations from the final publication would support development of policy, (both national and county level), in order for counties to maximize their own source of revenues as envisaged in the (PFMA 2012 Article 46).
Civil Society Sustainability Index for Kenya 2016
Client- Management Systems International
The African Policy Research Institute in collaboration with Management Systems International (MSI) held the “CSO Sustainability Index”, whose main objective is to develop a score for Kenya’s CSOs using selected indicators, in order to come up with CSO sustainability index. The CSO Sustainability Index is a tool used to study the strength and overall viability of CSO sectors in a country. The index is a valuable resource for donors, local CSO advocates, development partners, researchers, and academics.
County Asset Transfer Under Devolution
Client- The World Bank Group
The Executive Director of APRI is providing short-term consultancy services to the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice on asset transfer under a devolved system of government for selected counties in Kenya. The team in collaboration with international consultants from the World Bank are providing technical assistance and capacity building that will enable to county governments effectively manage the assets.
Public-Private Collaboration for Broad Band Delivery in Africa.
Client- Research ICT Africa- 2017
The African Policy Research Institute team is working with a network of researchers from South Africa and Nigeria on research on the public private collaboration mechanisms for broadband delivery in Africa, in order to increase internet access in poor communities.